20 Leagues began as a New Year’s resolution,
To be adventure barons in art’s industrial revolution.
A fine artist and a blunt scientist are we two, the crew.
We’re commanded by Captain Jules, who’s imaginary (says you).
We’re a marital pair sharing an odd, addled brain.
We live high in the hills, raising cats, moss, and Cain.
We love layers upon layers upon layers upon more.
We think art is for everyone, not just the bores.
We have thousands of heroes and a couple of fans.
We love how squirrels have twee little hands.
We like things like concrete people no longer see
Our eyes behold beauty in ubiquity
We use self-publication for our self-adulation
¡We invert punctuation when we make exclamations!
We love the glory days of every craze what had them.
We love dioramas to depths you can’t fathom.
Our yarns are more woven than we’ll ever confide.
If the world is your oyster, we’re the toy prize inside.
This makes sense to us, if that makes sense to you.
We ‘like like’ you Portland. Hope hope you like us two, too.